Preparing Your Roof for a Fort Worth Winter

When the days begin to get cooler and the nights downright chilly in Fort Worth, it’s time to start making arrangements to properly prepare for Texas winter weather. During your planning period, it’s wise not to neglect the needs of your roof. The weather of the coming months can easily cause damage to your roof, or exacerbate existing problems that you aren’t even aware of yet.

Routine Maintenance is Key

It’s not always easy to find the time in a busy schedule to devote to routine roof maintenance, it’s particularly important as winter weather approaches. Making sure that your gutters are clean, clear of clogging debris and in good working order is the key to providing water with the exit route it needs to prevent leaks caused by standing water. Be sure that your gutters are in good shape, that the fasteners are in place and that they’re attached securely to the proper part of your home. Keeping the roof itself free of fallen leaves, limbs and debris is also an important part of your winter roof preparation, as it ensures that there’s no added weight that can lead to damages. Additionally, any limbs hanging over the roof should be trimmed to prevent the possibility of falling onto the roof in a particularly nasty storm.

Leave Inspections to the Fort Worth Roofing Professionals

Taking a quick survey of your roof and declaring it serviceable while you’re looking over the gutters and removing fallen debris can be tempting, but it’s wise to leave full winter inspections to Fort Worth roofers that are well accustomed to the weather of an average winter in the region, and trained to spot areas of damage that you might otherwise overlook. At Old Pro Roofing, we offer absolutely free roof inspections conducted by experienced Fort Worth roofing professionals. We’ll carefully examine the flashing around the perimeter of your home, and around the piping, roof vents and chimneys to ensure that it’s all in good repair, and capable of handling the elements over the winter season. The heavy rains and high winds of Texas winters can easily loosen flashing, or cause it to rip and tear which will invariably lead to expensive repairs down the road. Replacing damaged flashing is relatively inexpensive, even when it’s done by an experienced Fort Worth roofing contractor. Remedying the damage caused by neglecting to replace that flashing, however, usually is not.

Avoid the Urge to Procrastinate

It can be very tempting to put off roof maintenance and winter preparations in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but also very costly in terms of damages to your property and resultant repair bills. Instead of putting roof maintenance off until spring in hopes that your roof will weather just one more winter, take the proactive measure of properly preparing your home and scheduling a free roof inspection before the weather becomes a threat to your home. Even small patches can become large problems after rains and wind take their toll, which is why calling a Fort Worth roofing contractor to schedule an inspection and possible preventative maintenance beforehand is your best course of action. Give us a call to schedule your free inspection today!

Fort Worth Roofing Office: 817-929-ROOF (7663)
Dallas Roofing Office: 972-975-ROOF(7663)